Your Success Zone

I'm sure you've heard the expression "in the zone," particularly as it applies to athletes or others who are unflappable as they eye the goal.  Sometimes you can be in the zone regarding your success and nothing gets in your way; other times you can do everything right and find that whatever can go wrong, will.  Here are some tips on building the habit of success and getting "in the zone."

Achieve Success by Expecting It
You  must understand that the path from where you are to where you want to be is not always smooth or straight.  When you hit those inevitable bumps in the road, your character, commitment, and positive attitude will help get you "in the zone" or at least, keep you there.

 Success Breeds Success
 "Mo."  That shortened word of "mo" speaks of momentum-the ability to continually succeed and build on the past successes you've had.  Most people understand that when they have one (big or small) success, it encourages them and makes them believe they can do anything.  Salespeople know it, and they strive for it. 

When you've unlocked the key to your success (whatever that may be), you'll find your "mo" and that nothing can get in your way.

Choosing Success
We all understand that we can choose to be happy or miserable, and that our choices will affect our lives for the better or worse.  When you opt to be happy, you choose to identify with the accomplishments in life that exude who you are and who you have striven to be. 

You can choose to look on the positive side, just as you can choose success.  Remember, success is more than just wealth.  Choose the positive side of things and you choose to remember and live your successes, not your failures.

Experts Don't Know Everything
If you have a plan that seems to go against all the conventional wisdom and yet you know in your soul that this WILL work, then follow your gut instincts.  The "experts" are wrong all the time-from medical experts who predict incorrectly to future-trending experts who foretell the wrong trends and costs corporations millions. 

More than 100 years ago, someone wanted to close down the US Patent office because he thought everything that could be invented had been and that no one would need to patent anything else, ever.  So don't listen to the nay sayers and "experts"- because sometimes they are dead wrong!

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